Tools & Workshops


  • ERY METHOD: Guide Book

    For the self-starter or those seeking a different path to Experience Design and Experiential Placemaking, this guide book is your passport through various steps and processes designed to guide the transformation of traditional service business into an experience where customers want to be.

    Through a technique of business deep dive, alternative action, and word association, the ERY Method will guide you through a unique method of placemaking and engagement that will help set the stage for any service business to become a destination for the.demanding consumer.


    Yes, its a coloring book!

    But not your typical coloring book. The Coloring the Experience Economy is a companion book to the works by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore called the Experience Economy.

    Filled with many of the frameworks and examples of the famous Progression of Economic Value with various industries. This book will help you see many of the frameworks in a whole new light.

    One Certified Experience Economy Expert stated that “I have read the book over 20 times, but the coloring book made it so much clearer to understand.”

    Get your copy today.

  • Be More Memorable

    If you believe your business could be more memorable to help drive loyalty, then this little e-booklet may just be what you are looking for. Designed to help identify those things that can make you more memorable to those your serve and identify those things that maybe making you less memorable as well.

    Take a look through the eyes of thsoe you serve and begin to make your business more memorable and gain greater awareness amongst the competition without resorting to deep discounts and slashing prices.



    How does one create differentiation in the market place?

    The ERY Method Un-Workshop is a fast pace, high energy, and thought provoking session guiding participants through a series of creative processes to ignite ideas that transform a service-based business into an engaging customer experience that creates greater customer value and establishes market differentiation .

    Learn More about the ERY Method Un-Workshop.

    See ERY Method Example Creations


    Why do you exist?

    The challenge many organizations attempting to gain growth or success through the acquisition of things is this process may only fix a short-term problem . This approach may generate greater confusion which can lead to lack of distinction or direction.

    Re-discovering purpose creates clarity of intent and defines what you stand for as an organization. This positioning attracts others who seek your purpose to provide solutions to their challenges.

    The Finding Purpose program guides teams and stakeholders to articulate purpose and redefine an organization’s reason to exist. Through unique provocation and visual exploration, Finding Purpose clarifies direction for moving forward with a clear and defining path.


    Visual note-taking is a powerful tool to improve one’s ability to think through complex issues. Through the use of doodling and quick sketching, ideas and issues can be drawn out and connections, once unseen, become visible. Exploration of solutions and alternative strategies can become more approachable and shareable.

    this workshop will present the basics to visual note-taking and sketchnoting to help improve the thinking process around construction, retention and recall of ideas. A perfect tool for educatoors, students, and even planners.